Let’s grow for $5k per month together

Unlock Your Earning Potential: Let’s strive for $5k with the 5k Dollar Club!

Are you creating a product but having trouble generating revenue?

5k dollar club might be helpful!

Why do you need 5k dollar club

Learn many success stories

you can access many success stories in the 5k dollar community. New story is updated in a week.
There are some tips from many stories

Help each other

you can connect with other developers in this community.

Keep the motivation

Sharing revenue and competing with community members motivates you to keep going.

The Feature of this community

In our community, we’re committed to helping each member reach their financial goals. Here’s how we do it:

Success Story

If you enroll on this platform, you can get free access to Medium content. It’s about many successful developer’s case studies.

We have 30+ case studies. We update new case study every week.

There are some tips from many stories


Monthly Revenue Report: Track your progress as we aim for $5k in monthly earnings together.

Boost Together on ProductHunt: We support each other by amplifying our products on ProductHunt, ensuring maximum visibility.

Share on Twitter: Leverage the power of our community by sharing each other’s content on Twitter to reach a broader audience.

Link building: Let’s build external links to each other!

Spotlight on Success: Hit the $5k milestone? We’ll feature your success story on our Medium, putting you in the spotlight.

Promote Your Products: Use our platform to showcase and promote your products, gaining valuable exposure.

Join our community of developers working together to achieve financial success


$299$150/ lifetime


$399$179/ lifetime

Who am I?

WW inc. CEO

I’ve developed many products for 7 years

$20k/MRR in total

Twitter: https://x.com/stat_biz

Medium: https://medium.com/@yumaueno

My business Portfolio